The Committee
Secretary: Bryony Baird
The secretary is responsible for taking minutes at commitee meetings, and writing them up. They also have access to band emails and oversee communitions to the band. The secretary also assists the chair in completing grant applications.
Bryony is studying Mathematics, and is in her second year at Keele.
Chair: David Foulger
The chair oversees the running of the band. This includes organising and running committee meetings, organising events and keeping everyone in check! The chair also represents the band at external events.
David is a second year student, studying Music Technology.
Treasurer: Kade Purbrick
The treasurers role is to keep the finances of the band in check, and advices the committee regarding finacial decisions. They are also able to sign forms on behalf of the band when dealing with the finance office, and withdrawing money for a float on concert days.
Kade is in his final year of his Mathematics and Music degree at Keele.
Matthew Lam
The Librarian is tasked with keeping the band library in check, putting music out in folders and ensuring everyone has a part for every piece. They also work with MD and Chair when obtaining new music.
Matthew is a second year Mathematics student.
Social Secretary:
Oliver Sargeant
The Social Secretary is in charge of organising social events for the band. These range from ice-breakers at the beginning of the year to welcome new members to after-concert socials to wind down from all the hard work.
Oliver is in his final year of his Music degree at Keele.
Concert/Contest Co-ordinator:
Amy Stringer
The Concert/Contest Co-ordinator is responsible for organising concerts, by booking venues and sorting refreshments. They are also the point of contact for UniBrass, and arrange the logistics behind the band's participation in the event.
Amy graduated in Music in 2015.
Publicity Officer:
Andrew Hartnell
The Publicity Officer creates posters and programmes for concerts, and is responsible for advertising and social media for the band. The publicity officer also maintains the band website and ensures the world knows everything about the band.
Andrew graduated in Music Technology & Psychology in 2016.
Equipment Officer:
Katharine Slater
The Equipment Officer looks after the band assets, such as instruments and uniform and equipment. They oversee distribution and collection of these items, and ensure their regular maintaince. The annual clothing order also falls within the role.
Katharine graduated in Maths & Marketing in 2013.
Non-Portfolio Officers:
Hugo Boucheny, Tom Blake, Chris Mason
Non-Portfolio officers sit on the committee but don't have a specific role. They contribute to committee discussion and have a say in decisions that affect the band. Their role also allows them to assist other officers with their role-specific tasks, and also to complete required tasks that don't fall within the remit of other officers.
Hugo and Tom are both in their second year, with Hugo studying Music and Computer Science and Tom studying Geoscience. Chris is now in his final year at Keele, studying Mathematics.
Past Committees:
Chair - Andrew Hartnell
Secretary - Chris Mason
Treasurer - Jenny Booth
Librarian - James White
Publicitiy - Hannah Benbow
Eqipment Officer - Kade Purbrick
Co-ordinator - Amy Stringer
Non-Portfolio - Daryl Sharpe
Olliver Sargeant
Tom Pattinson
Tom Bird
Chair - Clare Jakeman
Secretary - Bethany Ridout
Treasurer - Tom Bird
Librarian - Andrew Hartnell
Co-ordinator - Amy Stringer
Non-Portfolio - Ulrich Pohanka
Sam Gardner
Kimmy Colombo
Chair - Charles Gibson
Secretary - Clare Jakeman
Treasurer - Imogen Middleton
Librarian - Matt Atkinson
Coordinator - Bethany Ridout
Non-Portfolio - Josh Moses
Josh Rodrigues
Lauren Woolley